Protecting Overlay Settings with a Password

You can use a password to protect overlay settings to prevent the cancellation of watermark display by a third party.

Protecting with a Password

Set [Main Menu] arrowR [Overlay Settings] arrowR [Password Lock] to “On”.
Enter the protection password and press R_botton on the cross-shaped button.

Enter not more than 16 characters for the password using the software keyboard.

Enter the same password again and press R_botton on the cross-shaped button.
Press [Set].

A password request screen will appear subsequently before you enter the [Overlay Settings] screen.


Do not forget the password that you have set. If the password is lost or forgotten, you cannot deactivate the password protection function.


When overlay settings are protected by a password, the following items in [Main Menu] arrowR [System] are grayed out and cannot be selected.

[Reset All]

[Record Set] arrowR [Record Format]

[Setup File] arrowR [Load File] arrowR [Picture File]/[User File]/[All File]

[Setup File] arrowR [Store File] arrowR [Picture File]/[User File]/[All File]

Deactivating Password Protection

Select [Main Menu] arrowR [Overlay Settings].

A password request screen appears.

Enter the password and press R_botton on the cross-shaped button.

If the password matches the configured password, the [Overlay Settings] menu appears.

Change [Password Lock] to “Off”.
Press [Set] to close the deactivation complete screen.