Performing Live Streaming 250

By combining with the decoder or PC application that supports live streaming, you can perform audio and video streaming via the network.

Supported Formats



1920x1080 / 60i (12.0 Mbps), 60i (8.0 Mbps), 60i (5.0 Mbps), 60i (3.0 Mbps), 50i (12.0 Mbps), 50i (8.0 Mbps), 50i (5.0 Mbps), 50i (3.0 Mbps)

1280x720 / 60p (12.0 Mbps), 60p (8.0 Mbps), 60p (5.0 Mbps), 60p (3.0 Mbps), 50p (12.0 Mbps), 50p (8.0 Mbps), 50p (5.0 Mbps), 50p (3.0 Mbps), 30p (8.0 Mbps), 30p (5.0 Mbps), 30p (3.0 Mbps), 30p (1.5 Mbps), 25p (8.0 Mbps), 25p (5.0 Mbps), 25p (3.0 Mbps), 25p (1.5 Mbps)

720x480 / 60i (8.0 Mbps), 60i (5.0 Mbps), 60i (3.0 Mbps), 60i (1.5 Mbps), 60i (0.8 Mbps), 60i (0.3 Mbps)

720x576 / 50i (8.0 Mbps), 50i (5.0 Mbps), 50i (3.0 Mbps), 50i (1.5 Mbps), 50i (0.8 Mbps), 50i (0.3 Mbps)

640x360 / 60p (3.0 Mbps), 60p (1.5 Mbps), 30p (3.0 Mbps), 30p (1.5 Mbps), 30p (0.8 Mbps), 30p (0.3 Mbps), 50p (3.0 Mbps), 50p (1.5 Mbps), 25p (3.0 Mbps), 25p (1.5 Mbps), 25p (0.8 Mbps), 25p (0.3 Mbps)


The following constraints apply depending on the setting of [Main Menu] arrowR [System] arrowR [Network]/[Settings] arrowR [Live Streaming Set] arrowR [Type].

An encoding bit rate exceeding 8.0 Mbps cannot be selected when [Type] is set to “RTSP/RTP”.

An encoding bit rate exceeding 5.0 Mbps cannot be selected when [Type] is set to “ZIXI” and [Latency] is set to other than “Low”, or when [Type] is set to “RTMP”.

An encoding bit rate exceeding 3.0 Mbps cannot be selected when [Type] is set to “ZIXI” and [Latency] is set to “Low”.

Depending on the type of network adapter used and the connection, the images and audio sound during live streaming can be choppy.



Supported Protocols