Formatting (Initializing) SD Cards

When the following cards are inserted, [!FORMAT] appears at the remaining media display area.
Format the card using the camera recorder menu.

Unformatted SD cards

SD cards formatted under different specifications

For details of the menu operation, refer to “Basic Operations in Menu Screen ”.


Be sure to format the SD card on this camera recorder. SD cards formatted on a PC and other peripheral equipment cannot be used on this camera recorder.

[!RESTORE] appears at the remaining media display area when an SD card that requires restoring is inserted.

Select [System] arrowR [Media] arrowR [Format Media].
Select the slot of the SD card to be formatted and press the Set button ( REC button ).
HM200 Format Media 01
The status of the selected SD card appears.
Select [Format] and press the Set button ( REC button ).
Formatting starts.
Formatting is complete.

When formatting is complete, “Complete” appears and the camera recorder returns to the [Format Media] screen.


During formatting, menu operation is unavailable but you can start recording. However, this is only available when a recordable SD card is inserted in the other slot.

Formatting cannot be performed in the following cases.

Recording is in progress on the SD card to be formatted.

SD card is not inserted.

Write-protect switch of the SD card is set ( Lock is displayed).


If you format the SD card, all data recorded on the card, including video data and setup files, will be deleted.