Deleting Clips

Delete clip.

GY-HM200 ZebraPattern01

Clips appended with OK marks cannot be deleted on the camera recorder.

Read-only clips can be deleted on a PC.

Deleting One Clip

Delete the clip (one clip) pointed by the cursor in [Delete Clips] arrowR [This Clip] in the menu.


Clips with OK mark cannot be deleted.

During Thumbnail Screen

Move the cursor to the clip to be deleted.

Move the cursor to the clip to be deleted using the cross-shaped button ( U_botton D_botton L_botton   R_botton ).

GY-HM200 ClipDelete_01
Press the [ZEBRA/5] button.

The action selection screen is displayed.

Select [Delete Clips] arrowR [This Clip] and press the Set button ( REC button ).

A screen to confirm deletion appears.

Select [Delete] using the cross-shaped button ( U_botton D_botton ), and press the Set button ( REC button ).

Deleting starts.


Selecting and Deleting Multiple Clips

To select and delete multiple clips, refer to “Selecting and Performing Operations on Multiple Clips ”.

Deleting All Clips

Delete all clips that are displayed.

Press the [ZEBRA/5] button.

The action selection screen is displayed.

Select [Delete Clips] arrowR [All Clips].

A screen to confirm deletion appears.

Select [Delete] and press the Set button ( REC button ).

Deleting starts.


The time taken to delete clips depends on the number of clips to be deleted.