
The action selection screen is displayed when the User 5 ([ZEBRA/5]) button is pressed.
The following operations can be performed.



Select All Clips

Selects all clips.

Select OK Marked

Selects all clips appended with OK mark.

Select Range

Specifies the range when selecting multiple clips.

Deselect All

Clears all clip selections.

Add OK Mark

Appends an OK mark.

This Clip:
Appends an OK mark to the clip pointed by the cursor.

Selected Clips:
Appends an OK mark to the clips selected (appended with check mark).

All Clips:
Appends an OK mark to all clips.

Delete OK Mark

Deletes the OK mark.

This Clip:
Deletes the OK mark of the clip pointed by the cursor.

Selected Clips:
Deletes the OK mark of the clips selected (appended with check mark).

All Clips:
Deletes the OK mark of all clips.

FTP Upload 250

Uploads a clip to the FTP server.

This Clip:
Uploads the clip pointed by the cursor.

Selected Clips:
Uploads the clips selected (appended with check mark).

All Clips:
Uploads all clips.

Delete Clips

Deletes clip. However, clips with OK mark cannot be deleted.

This Clip:
Deletes the clip pointed by the cursor.

Selected Clips:
Deletes the clips selected (appended with check mark).

All Clips:
Deletes all clips.

Trim This Clip

Trims the clip pointed by the cursor.


The object of action is the clip of the current slot being displayed.

[Selected Clips] cannot be performed if there are no selected (appended with check mark) clips.

[This Clip] cannot be performed if there are more than one selected (appended with check mark) clips.

If the write-protect switch of an SD card is set, OK mark cannot be appended or deleted, and the clips cannot be deleted and trimmed.