Importing Metadata

Download the metadata settings file (XML format) from the FTP server.

Select [Main Menu] arrowR [System] arrowR [Network] arrowR [Import Metadata] and press the Set button ( REC button ).

The [Import Metadata] screen appears.

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Select the server for importing the metadata.

The name that is registered in [Metadata Server] arrowR [Alias] is displayed.

Select a server using the cross-shaped button ( U_botton D_botton ), and press the Set button ( REC button ).

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Select [Import] on the confirmation screen, and press the Set button ( REC button ).

Import starts.
After import is complete, the display is restored to the screen before the [Import Metadata] screen appears.

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You cannot exit the menu or perform recording while import is in progress.

If import of the metadata failed, “Import Error!” is displayed, and a message indicating the cause of the error appears.
Press the Set button ( REC button ) to return to the [Import Metadata] screen in step Step1 .

When “HTTP” is selected in the [Select FTP Proxy] screen of the network connection setting, connections to the servers other than “FTP” protocol cannot be made.

If a setting other than “FTP” is specified for [Protocol], to ensure the safety of the communication path, a screen appears prompting you to validate the fingerprint of the public key and certificate received from the server.
Check to ensure that the displayed value coincides with the known value.