Clip Metadata

You can access the page for editing the metadata via a web browser on devices such as a smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC, and display or rewrite the metadata that is recorded to a clip.

Access the main page of the camera.

Access the page via a web browser on devices such as a smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC.

Display the clip list.

Tap (click) the [Clip List] tab to display the clip list.

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Set the camera recorder to the “Remote Edit Mode”.

You can switch to “Remote Edit Mode” from a web browser or through operation of the camera.

Switching from a web browser

You will see a message indicating “It is necessary to change the camera mode to "Remote Edit Mode". Change the mode.” on the web browser.
Tap (click) [Change] to switch the camera to the Remote Edit mode.

Switching from the camera

“Change to Remote Edit Mode?” is displayed on the display screen of the camera unit.
Select [Change] and press the Set button ( REC button ) to switch to the Remote Edit mode.

When the menu or status is displayed, display of the confirmation screen will be put on hold.

If the menu is displayed on the camera recorder, close the menu.

If the status is displayed on the camera recorder, close the status display.

Pressing the Set button ( REC button ) on the camera recorder while in the Remote Edit Mode ends the Remote Edit Mode forcibly and switches to the Camera mode.

When FTP upload via the camera unit is currently in progress, switching to the Remote Edit mode is disabled.

Select the Metadata Edit mode.

Select the [Metadata] tab.

Select the clip to rewrite the metadata.

A list of the recorded clips appears on the [Clip List] screen.

Tap (click) the clip for which you want to rewrite the metadata.

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You can switch the displayed slot using the [Slot A] and [Slot B] tabs.

You can use the [ U_botton -30] or [ D_botton +30] tab to jump to the previous or next 30 clips on the list.

Edit the metadata of the selected clips.
Edit the information for the necessary fields.

If you are using a PC, input using the mouse and keyboard.

If you are using a smartphone or tablet terminal, tap the text input area to display a standard software keyboard on the screen.
Enter the information using the displayed keyboard.

You can tap (click) [OK Mark] to add an OK mark to or delete it from selected clips.
After editing is complete, tap (click) [Save] to overwrite the metadata.
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Tap (click) [OK] on the confirmation screen.

Update of the metadata starts.

After update is complete, “Renewal of clip metadata is succeeded.” is displayed. Tap (click) [OK].

Returns to the screen in step Step4 .


If update failed, “Renewal of clip metadata is failed.” is displayed.
Tap (click) [Close] to return to the screen of step Step4 .