Mobile User Guide

[PTZ] Page


This page allows you to specify the Auto Return, Move Preset Position and Auto Flip settings.

This page can be used during access using “admin” or “operator”.

Click [Advanced Settings] in the side menu, and click [PTZ].

Press the [OK] button to enable the new settings.

If the [OK] button is pressed upon entering an invalid value, a warning message will appear and the entry will be denied. Press the [Cancel] button to restore the invalid entry to the value before the change was made. If you press the [Cancel] button, other changed items will also be restored to the values before the change was made.



Setting values with circle_B are default values.

Basic operation of Pan Limit

When [Pan Limit] is set to “ON”, panning is only available in the effective area.
When the camera is moved to prohibited area by some operation that has priority over [Pan Limit] and manual panning is performed, it operates in the following manner.


Panning can be operated freely even in the prohibited area before the camera enters the effective area.

Once the camera enters the effective area, the [Pan Limit] settings take over and pan operation can only be performed in the effective area.

Operations that have priority over Pan Limit

The following operations are available regardless of the prohibited areas set in [Pan Limit].

Auto Pan

Auto Trace

Move Preset Position

Auto Flip

Settings that have priority over Pan Limit

The following setting comes together with pan operation but they can be set regardless of the prohibited areas even when [Pan Limit] is set to “ON”.

Privacy Mask Setting

Auto Pan setting


When setting Preset Position with [Pan Limit] set to “ON”, panning operation is disabled in the prohibited area.

As Move Preset Position has priority over manual pan limit, setting the manual pan limit after setting Preset Position does not prevent Preset Position operation in the prohibited area.

When setting Auto Trace and Preset Position and the [Pan Limit] setting is “ON”, panning is unavailable in the prohibited area.

As Auto Trace and Move Preset Position have priority over manual pan limit, setting pan limit after setting Auto Trace or Preset Position does not prevent Auto Trace or Preset Position operation.

Mobile User Guide
VN-H657U (A) / VN-H657WPU
Mobile User Guide