Main PageEditing Deleting Unwanted Files > Deleting the Currently Displayed File

Deleting the Currently Displayed File

Deletes the currently displayed file.


  • Deleted files cannot be restored.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6

Select the playback mode.

Selecting playback mode

Select video or still image mode.

Selecting video or still image mode

Touch MENU to display the menu.

Menu button

Select “DELETE” and touch OK .


Select “CURRENT” and touch OK .


Check that it is the file to delete, select “YES” and touch OK .


The file to delete appears on this screen.

Touch the operation buttons " LEFT " / " RIGHT " to select the previous or next file.

After deleting, touch MENU .


  • When files in a playlist are deleted, the playlist changes.
  • Files that are protected cannot be deleted.
    Release protection before deleting the file.