LCD Monitor


LCD Monitor

[CANCEL/STOP] Cancel/Stop Button

Cancels various settings and stops playback.

LCD Cross-Shaped Button ( U_botton D_botton L_botton R_botton )/Set Button ( REC button )

The function changes according to the operation status of the camera recorder.

During menu operation (all modes)

During Camera mode

You can use it as a user button by assigning a specific feature in the menu setting to this button.

[MENU/THUMB] Menu/Thumbnail Button

Displays the menu screen during Camera mode.

Switches between [Main Menu] and [Favorites Menu] when the [MENU/THUMB] button is pressed and held down while the menu screen is displayed.

Displays the menu screen when the button is pressed during thumbnail display in the Media mode.

Stops playback and displays the thumbnail screen when the button is pressed during playback screen display in the Media mode.

[LOLUX/3] Low-light Shooting/User 3 Button

For switching the low-light shooting mode ON or OFF.

You can also use it as a user button by assigning a specific feature in the menu setting to this button.

[C.REVIEW/4] Clip Review/User 4 Button

For checking the most recently captured images.

You can also use it as a user button by assigning a specific feature in the menu setting to this button.

[ZEBRA/5] Zebra/User 5 Button

For switching the zebra pattern display ON or OFF.

You can use it as a user button by assigning a specific feature in the menu setting to this button.

[DISPLAY] Display Button

Press the [DISPLAY] button to switch to the display screen during normal screen display (when the menu screen is not displayed).

Switches between [Main Menu] and [Favorites Menu] when the [DISPLAY] button is pressed while the menu screen is displayed.

[STATUS] Status Screen Display Button

Press the [STATUS] button to display the status screen on the viewfinder and LCD monitor during normal screen display (when the menu screen is not displayed).

Monitor Speaker

SD Card Slot

Card Slot A/B Status Indicator

[SLOT SEL] Card Slot Selection Button

For switching the active card slot during shooting and playback.