> Audio / Phone > Phone operation

Phone operation

Operating the remote control

Answering the call

Press Icon_Play_Pause_S36W button once quickly when receiving the call.

Ending the call

Press Icon_Play_Pause_S36W button once quickly during the call.

Rejecting a call

Press Icon_Play_Pause_S36W button for about 1 second when receiving the call.

Switch the call between the System and smartphone

Press Icon_Play_Pause_S36W button for about 1 second during the call.

Using voice assistant function (Siri etc)

Press Icon_Play_Pause_S36W button for about 1 second when not using the phone function.


Turning off/on the microphone temporarily during a call

Slide Icon_Mic_Mute_S36W switch to OFF (right) during a call to turn off the microphone.

Slide Icon_Mic_Mute_S36W switch to ON (left) during a call to turn on the microphone.


This is a function that turns off the microphone so that the other party cannot hear your voice. However, you can still hear the other party.

You will hear an audio guidance when toggling on/off the function.

The Icon_Mic_Mute_S36W switch is used to turn on/off the microphone of the System, not for turning on/off the microphone function of the call/conference application.

Some remote control operations may not be available when the call/conference application is used.

We do not guarantee all operations of the BLUETOOTH device.