Mobile User Guide

Appendix (Restrictions during Multi-encoding)


Possible Encoder No.1 and No.2 Setting Combinations

During multi-encoding, there is a limit to the total number of pixels per unit time that can be encoded simultaneously by three encoders (total frame size and frame rate processed by each encoder).

Encoder No.2 cannot be set to a frame size with a resolution higher than that of Encoder No.1.

If you have selected an invalid combination on the Encode page, a pop-up message indicating that the limit on the total number of pixels per unit time has been exceeded when you press the [OK]button.

Refer to the table below for the settable Encoder No.1 and No.2 combinations.

valid framerates1-1_EN
valid framerates1-2_EN
valid framerates1-3_EN

Check-mark :

Encoder No.2 settable, Encoder No.3 setting arbitrary

Check-mark (*):

Encoder No.2 settable, Encoder No.3 setting restricted

num_sankaku :

Encoder No.2 settable, Encoder No.3 not settable

num_dash :

Both Encoder No.2 and Encoder No.3 not settable

For example, if Encoder No.1 is set to a frame size of 1920 batsu 1080 and a frame rate of 30 fps, Encoder No.3 is operable, but will be subject to restrictions on the settable frame size and frame rate values.
For details, refer to the following.

Restrictions when Encoder No.1 is set to 1920 batsu_blue 1080 30 fps

When Encoder No.1 is set to a frame size of 1920 batsu 1080 and a frame rate of 30 fps,
Encoder No.3 will be subject to restrictions on the settable values depending on the setting of Encoder No.2.

Encoder No.3 cannot be set to a frame size with a resolution higher than that of Encoder No.1.

If you have selected an invalid combination on the Encode page, a pop-up message indicating that the limit on the total number of pixels per unit time has been exceeded when you press the [OK]button.

Please refer to the table below for the maximum settable frame rate corresponding to each frame size that is settable for Encoder No.3.

valid framerates2_EN

num_dash :

Not settable

For example, if Encoder No.1 is set to 1920 batsu 1080 30 fps and Encoder No.2 to 720 batsu 480 30 fps, none of the frame sizes can be set for Encoder No.3, thus it has to be set to “OFF”.

Mobile User Guide
Mobile User Guide