Mobile User Guide

Selection of Languages on Setting Pages


There are two radio buttons for selecting the language at the right top corner of the setting pages, however the language will be automatically set according to the OS environment of your computer. If you select “Japanese” while using an English-language OS, it may not be correctly displayed because there is no Japanese environment. Make sure to use the setting page according to the language setting for the OS of the computer in use.

Fore more details on the Settings page, refer to the following.


Once you have set a language, all information is displayed in the selected language after the next startup.

Uploading and Downloading of the Language File

You can change the language on settings page and “Built-in Viewer” of the camera.


Open the Settings page.

Fore more details on the Settings page, refer to the following.

Click [Download] button on the [Maintenance] page.
Save “language.ini” file to the appropriate folder in the computer.
Edit the downloaded “language.ini” file using Notepad or general purpose text editor.

Current texts are described after “=”. Change them to desired text.

You can write comments after the “;”. Comments are annotations for each line and all the text from the “;” to the end of the line is ignored.

Maximum number of texts in one line is 126 bytes.

Save the file after editing. Do not change the file name.

Western European language (ISO-8859-1) is supported. Multi byte character set is not supported.

Click “Browse...” button on the Maintenance page and select “language.ini” file which you edited.
Click [Upload] button on the Maintenance page.
Select “Custom”, then click [Apply] button on the Maintenance page.

Language is replaced after reloading the [Maintenance] page. When language is not replaced, please reload the [Maintenance] page again.

Following GUI is added to [Maintenance] page.

Mobile User Guide
Mobile User Guide