Main PageEditing Deleting Unwanted Files > Deleting the Currently Displayed File

Deleting the Currently Displayed File

Deletes the currently displayed file.


  • Deleted files cannot be restored.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6

Select the playback mode.

Selecting playback mode

Select video or still image mode.

Video/still image mode

Touch MENU to display the menu.

Menu Button

Select “DELETE” and touch OK .

Selecting the delete menu

Select “CURRENT” and touch OK .


Check that it is the file to delete, select “YES” and touch OK .


The file to delete appears on this screen.

Touch the operation buttons " LEFT " / " RIGHT " to select the previous or next file.

After deleting, touch MENU .


  • When files in a playlist are deleted, the playlist changes.
  • Files that are protected cannot be deleted.
    Release protection before deleting the file.