Main PageEditing > Capturing a Required Part in the Video

Capturing a Required Part in the Video

Select the required part of a video and save it as a new video file.

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Select the playback mode.

Selecting playback mode

Select video mode.

Video Mode

Touch MENU to display the menu.

Menu Button

Select “EDIT” and touch OK .

Selecting "EDIT"

Select “TRIMMING” and touch OK .

Selecting "TRIMMING"

Select the desired video and touch OK .

Selecting video for trimming

Playback of the selected video starts.

Touch OK to pause playback, then touch SET to set the start point.

Selecting the start point for copying

Touch OK to resume playback.

Touch OK to pause playback, then touch SET to set the point to stop copying.

Selecting the end point for copying

To reset the start point, touch CANCEL.

Select “CAPTURE TRIMMED FILE” and touch OK .


Select “YES” and touch OK .


After copying, touch OK .

When copying finishes, the copied file is added to the index screen.

To exit the screen, touch MENU .


  • According to the MPEG-2 standard, videos are split into units of approximately 0.5 second.
    As such, the division point may not be accurate.