Main PageEditing Changing Event Registration of Videos > Changing the Event of the Selected Files

Changing the Event of the Selected Files

Changes the event of multiple files by specifying a range.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9

Select the playback mode.

Selecting playback mode

Select video mode.

Video Mode

Touch MENU to display the menu.

Menu Button

Select “EDIT” and touch OK .

Selecting "EDIT"

Select “CHANGE EVENT REG.” and touch OK .


Select “TO RESET RANGE” and touch OK .


Select the first file of the range and touch OK .

Video selection (starting point)

Touch “CHECK” to check the selected file.

Select the last file of the range and touch OK .

Video selection (ending point)

Select a new event and touch OK .

Confirming new event

You can cancel the registered event by touching “CANCEL”.

After setting, touch OK .

To exit the screen, touch MENU .