Main PagePlaybackPlaying Back a DVD or Blu-ray Disc Created on this Unit > Digest Playback on a Blu-ray or DVD Player

Digest Playback on a Blu-ray or DVD Player

You can play back a few seconds from each scene of the recorded videos in the created disc.

Load the created disc on a player.

Select “DIGEST PLAYBACK” on the TV.

The digest is played back continuously.


(The screen does not appear on this unit.)


  • To normal playback/To index menu
    1) Press the top menu button on the remote control of the player during digest playback.
    2) Select the desired item.
  • “DIGEST PLAYBACK” menu is not available when the disc is created using the provided Everio MediaBrowser 4 BE software.
  • Digest Playback is not available when playing back by connecting this unit to a DVD writer or external Blu-ray drive.