Main PageRecordingCapturing Subjects Clearly (TOUCH PRIORITY AE/AF) > Capturing Pets Automatically (PET SHOT)

Capturing Pets Automatically (PET SHOT)

“PET SHOT” automatically captures a still image upon detection of the face of a pet, such as dogs or cats.
This function is available for both videos and still images.

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Open the LCD monitor.


Set the recording mode to either MOVIE video or PHOTO still image.

To switch the mode between video and still image, tap MOVIE or PHOTO on the recording screen to display the mode switching screen.
Tap MOVIE or PHOTO to switch the mode to video or still image respectively.

Tap “MENU”.


The shortcut menu appears.

Tap “MENU” in the shortcut menu.




Tap Cursor_Up or Cursor_Down to move upward or downward for more selection.

Tap batsu to exit the menu.

Tap RETURN to return to the previous screen.

Tap “ON”.


Tap batsu to exit the menu as the previous screen appears.

Point the camera toward the pet.

A still image is automatically captured when faces of pets are detected.

Pet Shots3

PHOTO lights up when a still image is being captured.


  • The camera is able to detect up to 6 faces of pets.
  • “PET SHOT” may not work properly depending on the type of pet, shooting conditions (distance, angle, brightness, etc.) and the subject (direction of face, etc.). It is also particularly difficult to detect faces of pets that are totally black, covered in long hair, or in backlight.
  • Subjects other than your pet may be detected by mistake sometimes.

    Make use of “PET SHOT” only for pets such as dogs or cats.
  • After a pet is detected and captured, it takes time before the next recording may be performed.
  • “PET SHOT” does not work in the following cases:
    - when menu is being displayed
    - when remaining recording time is being displayed
    - when “FACE SUB-WINDOW” is set
    - when “ANIMATION EFFECT” is set
    - when “DECORATE FACE EFFECT” is set
    - when “STAMP” is set
    - when “HANDWRITING EFFECT” is set
    - when “AUTO REC” is set
    - when “DATE/TIME RECORDING” is set


  • When “PET SHOT” is set to “ON”, “TOUCH PRIORITY AE/AF” will be set to “PET TRACKING” automatically. Even when “PET SHOT” is set to “ON”, if “TOUCH PRIORITY AE/AF” is not set to “PET TRACKING”, “PET SHOT” will be set to “OFF” automatically.
  • If appropriate results cannot be obtained, record with “PET SHOT” set to “OFF”.