Mobile User Guide

[Encoding] Page


This is a page for specifying settings on JPEG/H.264 encoding.
The settings here are linked to the [Encode] item in the [Basic Setting2] page.

This page can be used during access using “admin” or “operator”.

Click [Advanced Settings] in the side menu, and click [Encoding].

Press the [OK] button to enable the new settings.

If the [OK] button is pressed upon entering an invalid value, a warning message will appear and the entry will be denied. Press the [Cancel] button to restore the invalid entry to the value before the change was made. If you press the [Cancel] button, other changed items will also be restored to the values before the change was made.

There is upper limit to transmission bit rate from the camera. If a bit rate that exceeds upper limit is specified, this new setting will not be applied.
For details on the maximum transmission limit, refer to the following.

The contents displayed in “Encoder No.1”, “Encoder No.2” and “Encoder No.3“ change depending on the type of encoding and the item selected.

If the distribution bit rate exceeds 40 Mbps, the specified frame rate distribution fails.

In cases such as high-bitrate distribution at a frame size of 1920 batsu 1080 and frame rate of 30 fps (particularly slow pan operations), the camera image may not appear smooth even on a high-performance computer. In this case, lower the [Framesize], [Framerate], and [Bitrate], and check the image again.


H.264 High indicates H.264 High Profile, and H.264 Baseline indicates H.264 Baseline Profile.


Setting values with circle_B are default values.

When “Single-Encode” is selected in [Encode]

Enables only Encoder No.1 out of the three channels of encoders.


When “Multi-Encode” is selected in [Encode]

Each of the three channels of the encoder can be set to H.264 High, H.264 Baseline or JPEG, and a different frame size can also be specified. However, only one channel is available for H.264 Baseline, and therefore it cannot be set for multiple encoders at the same time.

Mobile User Guide
Mobile User Guide