For setting the reference input level when the [INPUT1] selection switch is set to “MIC” or “MIC+48V”.
Audio Set Item
TOPInput1 Mic Ref.
[Setting Values: -60dB, -50dB, -40dB, -30dB]
Input2 Mic Ref.
For setting the reference input level when the [INPUT2] selection switch is set to “MIC” or “MIC+48V”.
[Setting Values: -60dB, -50dB, -40dB, -30dB]
AUX Gain
For setting the sensitivity of the [AUX] input terminal.
[Setting Values: +12dB, +6dB, 0dB, -6dB, -12dB]
CH3/4 Input Level
For setting the mode and level of input to [CH-3] and [CH-4].
CH1/2 Ref. Level
For setting the reference recording level of [CH-1] and [CH-2]. (Applies to both [CH-1] and [CH-2].)
[Setting Values: -12dB, -18dB, -20dB]
CH3/4 Ref. Level
For setting the reference recording level of [CH-3] and [CH-4]. (Applies to both [CH-3] and [CH-4].)
CH1/2 -12dB:
Sets to a value that is 12dB lower than that of [CH-1] and [CH-2].
CH1/2 -6dB:
Sets to a value that is 6dB lower than that of [CH-1] and [CH-2].
CH1/2 Link:
Sets to the same value as [CH-1] and [CH-2].
[Setting Values: CH1/2 -12dB, CH1/2 -6dB, CH1/2 Link]
CH1/2 Limiter Mode
For setting whether to link the limiter operation of [CH-1] and [CH-2].
Select “Link” to link or “Separate” to separate.
[Setting Values: Link, Separate]
This option is selectable when both the [AUDIO SELECT CH-1] and [AUDIO SELECT CH-2] selection switches are set to “AUX”, and the [AUDIO SELECT CH-1/CH-2 AUTO/MANUAL] selection switch is set to “AUTO” at the same time.
This option is selectable when the [AUDIO SELECT CH-1] selection switch is set to “INPUT1”, the [AUDIO SELECT CH-2] selection switch is set to “INTPUT2”, and the [AUDIO SELECT CH-1/CH-2 AUTO/MANUAL] selection switch is set to “AUTO” at the same time.
In all other cases, it is fixed at “Separate”.
CH1 Limiter/CH2 Limiter
Sets the limiter operation for [CH-1] and [CH-2] separately.
Threshold Level
Sets the maximum recording level of [CH-1] and [CH-2] respectively.
[Setting Values: -17dBFS, -15dBFS, -12dBFS, -9dBFS, -6dBFS, Off]
Attack Time
Sets the time to activate the limiter for [CH-1] and [CH-2] respectively.
[Setting Values: Fast, Middle, Slow]
Decay Time
Sets the time to deactivate the limiter operation for [CH-1] and [CH-2] respectively.
[Setting Values: Fast, Middle, Slow]
CH3/4 Limiter Mode
For setting whether to link the limiter operation of [CH-3] and [CH-4].
Select “Link” to link or “Separate” to separate.
[Setting Values: Link, Separate]
This option is selectable when both the [AUDIO SELECT CH-3] and [AUDIO SELECT CH-4] selection switches are set to “AUX”, and [Audio Set] [CH3/4 Input Level]
[CH3]/[CH4] is set to “Auto” at the same time.
This option is selectable when the [AUDIO SELECT CH-3] selection switch is set to “INPUT1”, the [AUDIO SELECT CH-4] selection switch is set to “INTPUT2”, and [Audio Set] [CH3/4 Input Level]
[CH3]/[CH4] is set to “Auto” at the same time.
In all other cases, it is fixed at “Separate”.
CH3 Limiter/CH4 Limiter
Sets the limiter operation for [CH-3] and [CH-4] separately.
Threshold Level
Sets the maximum recording level of [CH-3] and [CH-4] respectively.
[Setting Values: -17dBFS, -15dBFS, -12dBFS, -9dBFS, -6dBFS, Off]
Attack Time
Sets the time to activate the limiter for [CH-3] and [CH-4] respectively.
[Setting Values: Fast, Middle, Slow]
Decay Time
Sets the time to deactivate the limiter operation for [CH-3] and [CH-4] respectively.
[Setting Values: Fast, Middle, Slow]
CH1 Filter to CH4 Filter
For setting the input signals for [CH-1] to [CH-4] respectively to Wind Cut, Equalizer, or Off.
[Setting Values: Equalizer, Wind Cut, Off]
If the [AUDIO INPUT] signal selection switch 1 setting of [CH-1] in the [CH1 Filter] item is set to “LINE”, “-” is displayed and selection is disabled.
When [CH2 Filter] is set as follows, “-” is displayed and selection is disabled.
When [CH-2] is set to “INPUT1”, and the [AUDIO INPUT] signal selection switch 1 setting is set to “LINE”
When [CH-2] is set to “INPUT2”, and the [AUDIO INPUT] signal selection switch 2 setting is set to “LINE”
If the [AUDIO INPUT] signal selection switch 1 setting of [CH-3] in the [CH3 Filter] item is set to “LINE”, “-” is displayed and selection is disabled.
When [CH4 Filter] is set as follows, “-” is displayed and selection is disabled.
When [CH-4] is set to “INPUT1”, and the [AUDIO INPUT] signal selection switch 1 setting is set to “LINE”
When [CH-4] is set to “INPUT2”, and the [AUDIO INPUT] signal selection switch 2 setting is set to “LINE”
You can correct the characteristic and enhance the sound of the connected microphone using this equalizer setting.
For setting the audio frequency from a 5-band equalizer.
100Hz, 330Hz, 1kHz, 3.3kHz, 10kHz
Variable level:
± 6dB (0.5dB step)
Audio will be recorded in the characteristic set in the equalizer.
Set all bands to “0dB” to bypass the equalizer.
When the equalizer level is set to the + side, the audio may be distorted. In this case, reduce the recording level in Manual mode.
If the values of multiple frequencies are changed, the specified levels and the actual levels may be different due to interference between the frequency bands.
Not selectable if none of the items from [CH1 Filter] to [CH4 Filter] is set to “Equalizer”.
Output CH
For setting the channel to output to the [AUDIO OUTPUT] and [HDMI] terminals.
Outputs the audio of [CH-3] and [CH-4].
Outputs the audio of [CH-1] and [CH-2].
SW Set:
Outputs according to the [MONITOR SELECT] switch setting.
[Setting Values: CH3/4, CH1/2, SW Set]
For setting the audio sound of the [PHONES] terminal to stereo or mixed sound when the [MONITOR] selection switch at the handle section is set to “BOTH”.
Outputs mixed sound (mixed sound of CH-1 and CH-2) to both L and R.
Outputs stereo sound (outputs audio sound of CH-1 to L, and CH-2 to R).
[Setting Values: Mix, Stereo]
Alarm Level
For selecting whether to turn on the warning tone as well as setting the volume.
The warning tone is output from the monitor speaker or [PHONES] terminal.
[Setting Values: Off, 1 to 5] ( 5)
Test Tone
For specifying whether to output the audio test signals (1 kHz) during color bar output.
[Setting Values: On, Off]